Bodynamics was originally founded in Denmark by Lisbeth Marcher and twelve of her colleagues. Bodynamic International is currently offering training’s globally.
Mind Body Resourcing is a California public-benefit educational nonprofit organization, under Section 501(c)(3) of the revenue code and is exempt from state and federal taxes.
The Institute has a number of projects under consideration in support of its goal to promote healthy relations by helping people to remove mental and physical blocks so they can reach out to others to enhance mutual connection.
“Our survival depends on the healing power of love, intimacy, and relationships. Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually. As individuals. As communities. As a country. As a culture. Perhaps even as a species.”
– Dean Ornish, M.D. in LOVE & SURVIVAL, 8 Pathways to Intimacy and Health, Harper Collins, New York 1998
Meet the Lead Trainers:
Bodynamic Training: Certified Bodynamic Analyst and Trainer, PTSD Trauma Training
Specialty: Working with adults and groups – dealing with developmental issues.
Other Skills: Leads long term therapy groups, including incest survivors
Helping you to recognize and become the best of yourself by:
- Healing early developmental and attachment disruptions that impact your adult life and relationships
- Using your body to support, change and solidify new resources
- Being fully present with you so you can be fully present with yourself
Anne feels it’s a privilege to be moved by the depth in her students and clients. She is very skilled in perceiving how your body holds patterns of protection and limitation. She will help you find new ways to function with more vitality. She is touched by the wonder of what happens when both she and her clients and students surrender to the process of contact and change.
Anne has been a therapist and teacher for 35 years. She is grateful to her many teachers, including, Lisbeth Marcher, Mariana Bentzen, Merete Branbtjerg, Mary Main, Eric Hesse, Diana Fosha, Julie Henderson, Tony Richardson, Bairo Tulku, for the profound wisdom they have shared with her. She is thankful for her smart and loving husband, Joel, daughter, Vida, and the many friends who are such a rich part of her life.
Bodynamic Training: Certified Bodynamic Analyst and Trainer, PTSD Trauma Training
Specialty: Individuals and couples, especially relationships & career issues
Other Skills: Leads groups and consults to progressive activist groups
Helping you towards the life you want by using:
- Your body to sense yourself deeply and build resources.
- Your mind to uncover purpose and bring it to life.
- Your spirit to animate your life and create fulfillment.
Joel is deeply moved by being able to help people explore who they really are and how they can be truly fulfilled in their lives. He enjoys using the body to ease people into connection with themselves. And from this space the building of a mutual connection opens new possibilities for both people.
Joel particularly likes working with adults and couples on life changing and career changing issues. He enjoys helping clients to build the skills they need to move past their historical patterns more rapidly. His own experiences of joy, struggle and growth as a mate and father have sensitized him to the wonders of intimacy. He has helped many clients to let go of limiting behavior in relationships and find the intimacy they have sought. He enjoys working with spiritual issues as they present themselves in therapy, and sees this as a natural extension of unifying mind and body. Joel is also skilled at helping people to clarify their goals and organize their lives. His intuitive ability can often help a client sense what their next steps might be.
Meet the Support Team:
Jonathan Zerbin
Jonathan resides in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and spends half his time running a startup company doing Alternative Energy research based off of the works of Nikola Tesla and Wilhelm Reich. A few years ago he became passionate about Bodynamic therapy having experienced it’s transformative power first hand and has now dedicated his life to bringing it to the world. He also has an avid interest in SCT, ISTDP and ISP and integrating that knowledge with Bodynamics.
He is currently responsible for leading the design of this website as well as implementing social media platforms for educating and marketing purposes for the Bodynamic institute. He is also a team member of Bodynamic International where he fulfills similar roles. He is also passionate about writing and much of his work can be found on his personal website at:
Coquelicot Gilland
Coquelicot (“co-cle-co”) is a Personal Coach and Life Skills Trainer, Bodynamic Analyst, Bodynamic Foundation and Skills Trainer, Somatic and Presencing Skills Trainer, Restorative Touchworker and Certified Massage Therapist, Yoga Mentor, Pastoral Counselor, and Minister with the Association for the Integration of the Whole Person. Her personal website can be found at:
If you would like to help the Institute spread the benefits of Bodynamic Analysis to others by providing tax deductible funding for a project, please contact Anne Isaacs to discuss your interests and the Institute’s needs. If you would like to make a contribution to the Institute’s general fund to enable us to expand our training and publish our data, please send your check to Mind Body Resourcing at the address below.
Mind Body Resourcing
P.O. Box 1708
Novato, CA
94948, USA
Phone: 1 (510) 570-8061