2020: What the hell does Clear Vision mean anyway!?

Navigating and Communicating in

Empowering + Sustainable Relationships


Jolene Bobinski

Jolene Bobinski

“Do you operate your phone better than your body, mind and emotions!?”

What does clear vision mean to YOU?

Typically, clear vision helps us navigate something: namely, our spaces, life events and relationships. Whether we’re talking about having clear eyesight, glasses, a windshield free of debris or a clear picture coming through on our handheld… these are all things that help us see clearly and navigate.

How about our internal vision? What do we use that for? How does internal vision help us navigate? And what else do we need to actually get places? The ability to communicate and move.

Well, if we don’t know where we are starting from, how do we plan a path to where we’re wanting to go? ~ Take a moment to breathe this in. ~ Where are you, right now?

How does this translate to relationship? Which relationships have you noticed challenges in moving through? Which subjects that you want to communicate about and events that you aim to traverse?

Whether we are looking to navigate and communicate within our physical or relationship spaces: community, career, family or intimate relationships, we must understand our relationship with our Self.

First, to observe self, let’s look at something that can help us triangulate and gain context.

Let’s try it this way: What technological device for communication and navigation is used widest by humanity?

Most common answer: The cell phone.

Truly, worldwide, the cell phone has been an incredible device for connection. Oddly enough, we also recognize now that it can be a tool that creates contraction or disconnection, insulating us from the social opportunities at our literal fingertips.

I recognize that I, personally, am highly connected to my cell phone and use it as a tool, which feels more like a body part nowadays. If I want to communicate with someone or navigate in anyway at all, I reach for my phone.

Also, if I want to put up boundaries and be unreachable at certain times or not speak to certain people there are opportunities to do so on every social app as well as through our settings… so simple right!?

How can we do this as seamlessly in our ‘real’ lives?

To communicate, navigate, create boundaries or adjust them for ourselves, with others – in relationship and through life events?

To orient, communicate and move through life as easily as we operate our phones?

This brings me to a tiny challenge for you: I argue that the more accurate answer to ‘the most widely used technological device for communication and navigation by humanity’ is actually the human body.

LINK to Boundaries and Energy Management E-course

LINK to Joel’s ‘Where Yoga Meets the Psyche’ article

Our body is our greatest tool for sending and receiving messages as well as sensing where we are, emotionally, mentally and physically. It is the mechanism to which we first sensed our world, our family, our environment our relationship to all things including our sense of self. Self… others…environment – where does one start and the other begin?

Our greatest tool for communicating and navigating, yet how often do we check in, set or adjust our communication and navigation tools within ourselves and within our relationships? Do we know how our body utilizes the signals from our environment and others around us to create our physical make up?

Popular rhetoric cheerleads the ‘Manifest Your Ideal Life!’ and ‘Co-create to Live Your Purpose!’; these are beautiful calls to live a full, vivid and liberating life – wouldn’t it be helpful to have some insight into what the integral developmental factors are that created our exact, personal navigation system?

LINK to Bodynamic Theory

LINK to seven developmental stages diagram

LINK to Jonathan’s info night

Are you curious about how our thoughts, beliefs, emotions and physical body help us orient and create our experiences… our psycho-neuro connections and psychomotoric responses to sound, vibration, movement, nutrition, energy, love, fear and relating to others etc.?

How were the holidays for you? I always loved the Ram Dass’ quote; “If you think you’re enlightened, go spend some time with your family”

Coming back to 2020: How was your New Year’s passing? Goal setting? Do you feel that you have the abilities and capacity to sustain changes? To navigate, communicate and stay on target through inevitable transition or adversity? Changing world or personal events? How easily is it for you to ask for support and gift support, within healthy boundaries – maintaining mutual dignity?

“Can I be all of me, and can you be all of you, and can we be in relationship together?”

Please don’t feel worried if you’re suddenly realizing that these are areas you are challenged in… Oddly enough, the practice of psychology, psychoanalysis, coaching and various other ways of engaging directed support for physical/mental/emotional communication and navigation tools for the human experience have largely been spent in smatterings of cultural, familial and particular discipline spaces. As cultural practices have disintegrated over the past few hundred years and our ‘systems settings updates and adjustments’ have largely been delegated to professionals, humanity has been greatly challenged to have Clear Vision; ability to relate to self and enable ‘self-sovereign system updates’.

Option 1: Join us for a one day workshop  in gaining new understanding of the tools used in Bodynamics in Edmonton, Canada

LINK to Jan 25th workshop

Option 2: Register for the full training  ‘Healing Developmental Disruptions’ in Edmonton, Canada

LINK to full HDD registration

Tap into your body’s innate and profound knowing to help you Manifest Your Ideal Life and Co-create to Live Your Purpose!

Learn the Developmental Stages where your own unique tools and resources to build sustainable, empowering relationships and navigate potentially challenging events were created and can be adjusted.

The Bodynamic Philosophy, it’s system, and tools are efficient, effective, and practical; innately designed to help restore dignity in order to be in mutual connection with full authenticity. It’s about establishing healthy mutual connection with another and most importantly with self.